SOQ (Sport Orientation Questionnaire)

The Sport Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ) was developed in 1988 to assess how people assess competence and measure success in the context of sports. The questionnaire identifies three distinct orientations: win, goal, and competitive sport orientations. The win and goal orientations are indicative of individuals’ choices and reactions during sports and exercise activities.

Please choose the number from 1 to 10 that best represents your current or relevant situation
1. I am a competitive person *
2. I try my hardest to win *
3. I am a determined competitor *
4. I want to be the best every time I compete *
5. I look forward to competing *
6. I thrive on competition *
7. My goal is to be the best athlete possible *
8. I enjoy competing against others *
9. I want to be successful in sports *
10. I work hard to be successful in sports *
11. The best test of my ability is competing against others *
12. I look forward to the opportunity to test my skills in competition *
13. I perform my best when iam competing against an opponent *
14. I set goals for myself when I compete *
15. I am most competitive when I try to achieve personal goals *
16. I try hardest when I have a specific goal *
17. Reaching personal performance goals is very important to me *
18. The best way to determine my ability is to set a goal and try to reach it *
19. Performing to the best of my ability is very important to me *
20. Winning is important *
21. Scoring more points than my opponent is very important to me *
22. I hate to lose *
23. The only time I am satisfied is when I win *
24. losing upsets me *
25. I have the most fun when I win *
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