
Take control of your body and peak your performance


Take control of your body and peak your performance

What is Biofeedback?

To achieve Peak Performance, your mind and body should work efficiently. There are moments when your physical reactions prevent you from functioning well.
Biofeedback is a solution that trains your nervous system to control your body. You can learn to control body functions that most people usually don’t think of as within their control. And You learn to change those patterns to reduce or eliminate your symptoms. Among these are blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tension.

By attaching sensors to your body, you will provide our expert technicians with real-time feedback. Real-time feedback on specific physiological functions such as heart rate, breathing pattern, skin conductance, temperature and muscle activities leads to more efficient training in controlling your physiology.

How biofeedback can be helpful? 

Biofeedback, with its capacity to harmonize mind and body control, empowers individuals to excel in their roles by:



Recall how a stressful argument with your team led to muscle tension and overstressed heart for the following day?

Biofeedback can help you with : self awareness, emotional regulation, enhanced focus and concentration, stress management, sleep quality, resilience

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Think of a moment when you need more focus, but your stress won’t let you. Times you got injured and you needed to heal faster to prevent its impact on your career.

Biofeedback help you with: improved focus, stress management, performance consistency, mind-body connection, visualization and mental rehearsal, better sleep pattern, resilience to feedback, reaction time and decision making.

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Remember times when you had performance anxiety and it’s impact on you? Recall those creative blocks that you struggled with while you are were creating a new art?

Biofeedback would have positive impact on: enhanced concentration, emotional resilience, visualization and interpretation, performance consistency, enjoyment of performance, stage presence

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Think of a moment when you need more focus, but your stress won’t let you. Times you got injured and you needed to heal faster to prevent its impact on your career.

Biofeedback help you with: improved focus, stress management, performance consistency, mind-body connection, visualization and mental rehearsal, better sleep pattern, resilience to feedback, reaction time and decision making.

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Remember times when you had performance anxiety and it’s impact on you? Recall those creative blocks that you struggled with while you are were creating a new art?

Biofeedback would have positive impact on: enhanced concentration, emotional resilience, visualization and interpretation, performance consistency, enjoyment of performance, stage presence

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What area biofeedback can help with and how?

PainDysregulation of breathing includes chest breathing, breath holding, and increased respiration rate. Abdominal breathing uses the diaphragm, whereas chest breathing uses the intercostal muscles. Breathing influences many other systems (muscles through oxygenation levels, heart rate through Respiratory sinus arrhythmia(RSA)) and affects your performance.

Muscle TensionMuscle tension can have a significant impact on performance by impairs physical performance, decrease focus and concentration, increase stress and anxiety, and reduce range of motion. By learning techniques to reduce muscle tension, individuals can improve their performance and the overall quality of life. 

Heart rate ControlAnother crucial treatment to learn is how to control the heart rate. HRV is the difference in time between one heartbeat and the next (change in HR from beat to beat). Optimal HRV (bigger differences in rate from beat to beat) is a sign of good health because it indicates flexibility in the heart which allows the heart to respond to sudden physical or psychological challenges. Low variability or too much variability is associated with health problems and increased mortality. Improved HRV has been shown to improve performance through improving vision, focus, and concentration, achieving a flow state, recovery from injury (increases blood flow), managing emotions (through minimizing cognitive anxiety), and adaptability of the nervous system. 

Skin ConductanceThe last treatment is skin conductance. Skin conductance is the measure of conductance across the surface of the skin. Higher sympathetic activity (stress, anxiety) causes increased sweat activity in the palms/fingers. Therefore, skin conductance is an indirect measure of arousal levels. Finding the optimal arousal level and learning to control your arousal level is extremely important for improving performance.

Temperature Training

Temperature training is another area that you can work on it with Biofeedback. Temperature training is reflective of blood flow. Under sympathetic activation (stress, anxiety), vasoconstriction occurs, resulting in decreased blood flow and temperature. Temperature training is useful for healing injuries, as increased blood flow promotes healing by bringing nutrients and removing waste. 

What area biofeedback can help with and how?

PainDysregulation of breathing includes chest breathing, breath holding, and increased respiration rate. Abdominal breathing uses the diaphragm, whereas chest breathing uses the intercostal muscles. Breathing influences many other systems (muscles through oxygenation levels, heart rate through Respiratory sinus arrhythmia(RSA)) and affects your performance.

Muscle TensionMuscle tension can have a significant impact on performance by impairs physical performance, decrease focus and concentration, increase stress and anxiety, and reduce range of motion. By learning techniques to reduce muscle tension, individuals can improve their performance and the overall quality of life. 

Heart rate ControlAnother crucial treatment to learn is how to control the heart rate. HRV is the difference in time between one heartbeat and the next (change in HR from beat to beat). Optimal HRV (bigger differences in rate from beat to beat) is a sign of good health because it indicates flexibility in the heart which allows the heart to respond to sudden physical or psychological challenges. Low variability or too much variability is associated with health problems and increased mortality. Improved HRV has been shown to improve performance through improving vision, focus, and concentration, achieving a flow state, recovery from injury (increases blood flow), managing emotions (through minimizing cognitive anxiety), and adaptability of the nervous system. 

Skin ConductanceThe last treatment is skin conductance. Skin conductance is the measure of conductance across the surface of the skin. Higher sympathetic activity (stress, anxiety) causes increased sweat activity in the palms/fingers. Therefore, skin conductance is an indirect measure of arousal levels. Finding the optimal arousal level and learning to control your arousal level is extremely important for improving performance.

Temperature Training

Temperature training is another area that you can work on it with Biofeedback. Temperature training is reflective of blood flow. Under sympathetic activation (stress, anxiety), vasoconstriction occurs, resulting in decreased blood flow and temperature. Temperature training is useful for healing injuries, as increased blood flow promotes healing by bringing nutrients and removing waste. 

Why Elumind Peak?

Elumind Peak Advisory Board is a key to unlocking peak performance, featuring a diverse team of experts in psychiatry and neuroscience , entrepreneurship, medicine, and creativity. With their combined wisdom, we ignite your full potential and guide you toward success and well-being.

We harness the latest in neuroscience and employ state-of-the-art technology to deliver unparalleled results, empowering you to achieve peak performance.

Distinguished by our approach, we create personalized, integrated solutions that leverage individual assessments and brain mapping, resulting in a truly unique journey toward peak performance.

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