Burnout (Maslach-Burnout Inventory)

As the go-to resource for gauging your vulnerability to burnout, the MBI delves into three vital facets: exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal achievement. While the MBI serves as a powerful compass, guiding you towards potential burnout risks, it’s important to note that it’s not a definitive diagnosis. Rather, think of it as a mirror reflecting the possibility that burnout might touch anyone’s life. Your exploration of the MBI is a step towards enlightenment, revealing insights that pave the way for proactive well-being. Welcome this opportunity to be attuned to your own burnout susceptibility and embark on a journey of self-care and empowerment.

For each question choose from the following alternatives:
0 – Never 1 – A few Times per Year 2 – Once a Month 3 – A few Times per Month 4 – Once a Week 5- A Few Times per Week 6- Every Day

1. I feel emotionally drained by my work. *
2.Working with people all day long requires a great deal of effort. *
3. I feel like my work is breaking me down. *
4. I feel frustrated by my work. *
5. I feel I work too hard at my job. *
6. It stresses me too much to work in direct contact with people. *
7. I feel like I’m at the end of my rope. *
8. I feel I look after certain patients/clients impersonally, as if they are objects. *
9. I feel tired when I get up in the morning and have to face another day at work. *
10. I have the impression that my patients/clients make me responsible for some of their problems. *
11. I am at the end of my patience at the end of my work day. *
12. I really don’t care about what happens to some of my patients/clients. *
13. I have become more insensitive to people since I’ve been working. *
14. I’m afraid that this job is making me uncaring. *
15. I accomplish many worthwhile things in this job. *
16. I feel full of energy. *
17. I am easily able to understand what my patients/clients feel. *
18. I look after my patients’/clients’ problems very effectively. *
19. In my work, I handle emotional problems very calmly. *
20. Through my work, I feel that I have a positive influence on people. *
21. I am easily able to create a relaxed atmosphere with my patients/clients. *
22. I feel refreshed when I have been close to my patients/clients at work. *
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